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Up and Running in Real Estate

Train the Trainer (2.0)

For someone else
For someone else
Purchase for $299 or enter access code


Train the Trainer( 2.0) is a n online (distance-learning) 15-clock hour approved course in the state of Washington (clock hours apply for real estate). The course teaches attendees creative, effective presentation and facilitation techniques. The course also fulfills the requirement to become a clock-hour approved instructor in Washington state.

Purchasing for someone else: If you're ordering a course for someone other than yourself, (any number of people), put the number of registrations you're buying on your registration. Then, you will receive an access code (s) that you can email to whoever you ordered the program for.  Then, that person will register. That way, you don't need to register for the program yourself.

Multiple ('bulk discount') orders: If you're ordering several of a program at once, you will receive a discount: 2-5 items, 10% discount; 6-10 items, 20% discount; 11+ items, 30% discount. (You'll receive access codes for each of these purchases, to pass on to someone else). Please assure the person who receives the code activates it right away.

Course extensions and renewals: If the course isn't finished within the allotted time frame, there are fees for extensions. Students receive several email notices about expiration and fees.