Too often, trainers fall into the habits they see other trainers practice. And, that's not good. Learn the best training strategies from a National Realtor Educator of the Year, Carla Cross. Train the Trainer is a 15-clock hour approved course in the state of Washington. This course also fulfills the requirement to become a clock-hour approved instructor in Washington state. It has the same curriculum as Carla's 'live' course (see her live course at Instructor Development Workshop

In addition, this course is so much more than that! You'll learn dozens of effective, creative training techniques, dispel stage fright, and even learn some basics about course creation and organization. There's no other course quite like this, and that's why it's recommended by the Washington Department of Licensing.

Purchasing for someone else: If you're ordering a course for someone other than yourself, (any number of people), put the number of registrations you're buying on your registration. Then, you will receive an access code (s) that you can email to whoever you ordered the program for.  Then, that person will register. That way, you don't need to register for the program yourself. Note that person will need to first create an account (see below).

Multiple ('bulk discount') orders: If you're ordering several of a program at once, you will receive a discount: 2-5 items, 10% discount; 6-10 items, 20% discount; 11+ items, 30% discount. (You'll receive access codes for each of these purchases, to pass on to someone else).

Here's what you'll learn in this course:

  • The 5 best methods to banish ‘stage fright’
  • How to organize your presentation so it always goes like you want it to
  • How to keep attendees interested, excited, and motivated to learn by using innovative teaching methods
  • How to ‘control’ your audience so you’ll never have chatty Cathys or Gorilla Georges trying to take over your classroom
  • How to organize your skill-building course in a logical fashion
  • The 6 best presentation tips so you present like a pro
  • The good, bad, and ugly about audio/visual aids and how to use them right

You’ll also get 11 ready-to-use forms to create your training and a whole training school--plus, the Complete Train the Trainer 2.0 Resource Handbook with 26 processes, examples, and tips--all in one handbook for you..

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