Coach your agents to the Up and Running in Real Estate program.

By signing up as a certified coach in Coaches' Corner, you agree to coach to the principles and guidelines in the agent's Up and Running in Real Estate program.

To sign up for this program, click on the picture and you'll see a purchase button. Your entry to Coaches' Corner is good for one year.

When you are registered to Coaches' Corner, and you have an agent in Up and Running in Real Estate, we will provide you a FREE entry into Up and Running in Real Estate, too. DO NOT register yourself for Up and Running in Real Estate if you have invested in Coaches' Corner.

Each week, Carla Cross provides you the inside story on how to coach to that week. She provides tips and tricks to keep the agent excited and in the program. She counsels on what to do if your agent's motivation wanes. Learn coaching skills and retain more good producers. 



Coaches' Corner

Coaches' Corner provides the coaching materials and guidance to coach to the Up and Running in Real Estate program--plus several recruiting, coaching, and training bonuses. When you join the Coaches' Corner, you are designated as a 'certified coach' for the Up and Running in Real Estate program. You may use the designation and the seal in all your promotional materials. Your entry is for one year, and you can coach as many agents as are registered under your company name in the program.

You Get One Free Entry to Up and Running in Real Estate:

When you have an agent enrolled in Up and Running in Real Estate, you get one FREE Up and Running in Real Estate Program--and entrance to your agent's work. Do not buy your own program. We will provide one free program to you.

Please note: Once an agent is enrolled in the program, there are no refunds (because of the breadth of the program, the accountability involved, and the pricing). Coaches receive information on how to assure that your 'candidate' is one who will benefit from Up and Running in Real Estate.

Important: DO NOT pay for yourself to gain entry to Up and Running in Real Estate. If you are purchasing multiple seats: DO NOT use one of your seats for yourself. Your entry to UP and Running is FREE when you have one agent enrolled in the program. If you erroneously pay for yourself to enroll in UP and Running, your payment is not refundable.

By signing up in the Coaches' Corner you become a certified coach and agree to coach to the principles and guidelines in the UP and Running in Real Estate program.

Your agent has 4 months to finish the program, so he/she can go back and retrieve or review documents, etc. If he/she needs more time, there is an extension fee for $75.

Price $99