Purchasing any of our programs for someone else
At registration, look at the right side of the registration page. Check if you are purchasing for someone else. Name the number of 'seats' you are purchasing (quantity). You will receive an email with the access code to distribute to those who you want to take the course.
Enrolling Others
You will see the number of seats you have purchased, and the number you have used. The simplest way to assign someone a ‘seat’ is to use the ‘bulk email’ that you see when you click on ‘seats’.
Finding your access codes
You can always click on Purchases/Details (at the bottom of the page). This will show the number of purchases and your access code. You can also see your access code on the last line of Seats purchased.
Managers: Discounts for Purchasing Several Seats of Up and Running or Train the Trainer
For Up and Running: You must be a member of Coaches' Corner to order multiple 'seats'. Your Coaches' Corner membership is for one year.
Here are your discounts for all our programs for ordering several 'seats' (those programs that you can distribute to your agents or others throughout the year):
2-5 orders, 10% off (do not purchase Up and Running for yourself, the coach. You will receive a complimentary entree after your order).
6-10 total orders, 20% off (do not purchase Up and Running for yourself, the coach. You will receive a complimentary entree after your order).
11-20+ total orders, 30% off (do not purchase Up and Running for yourself, the coach. You will receive a complimentary entree after your order).
When you order several seats: When you distribute seats, be sure the person registers using the specific company name you designated so you can also get access to that person's work.
You have 1 year in which to distribute your 'seats'.
Complete each 'blank' in the registration form (if you don't, the 'purchase' button will not light up).
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